Community Work is....
…a developmental activity comprised of both a task and a process. The task is social change to achieve equality, social justice and human rights, and the process is the application of principles of participation, empowerment and collective decision making in a structured and co-ordinated way.
All Ireland Standards for Community Work
The work of the projects funded under the Community Development Programme are strongly grounded in community work values and processes, in accordance with the All Ireland Standards for Community Work.
Community Work Values

Human Rights, Equality and Anti-Discrimination...
the promotion of human rights and equality in society and with addressing the multiple forms of discrimination experienced by many groups.

Social Justice & Sustainanble Development...
promoting a just society involves policies and practices that challenge injustice and value diversity promoting a sustainable society involves promoting environmentally, economically and socially sustainable policies and practices

includes collective analysis, collective action and collective outcomes in pursuit of a just and equal society

Community Empowerment...
empowering communities - increasing knowledge, skills, consciousness and confidence to become critical, creative and active participants leading people to be resilient, organised, included and influential

is rooted in the belief that communities have the right to identify their own needs and interests and responses required
Community Work is.....
a developmental activity comprised of both a task and a process. The task is social change to achieve equality, social justice and human rights, and the process is the application of principles of participation, empowerment and collective decision making in a structured and co-ordinated way.